327P/Van Ness (0327P)


Type: Periodic Perihelion date: 2 September 2022 Perihelion distance (q): 1.6 Aphelion distance (Q) : 5.6 Period (years): 6.7 Eccentricity (e): 0.56 Inclination (i): 36.2 JPL orbit diagram COBS lightcurve Michael E. Van Ness, Lowell Observatory, reported his discovery of a 17th magnitude comet with a moderately condensed 24" coma and a fan-shaped tail about 200" long in p.a. 270 deg on LONEOS images taken on 17 August 2002. The cometary nature was confirmed by several other CCD astrometric observers on 18 August, who all reported a generally diffuse coma with diameter about 14"-25"; several also noted a tail about 25"-120" long in p.a. 260-270 deg. It was periodic with a period of around 6.6 years and was past perihelion. A possible comet found by PanSTARRS on 6 August was tentatively identified as 2002 Q1 (P/Van Ness) by Gareth Williams. Krisztian Sarneczky independently recovered the comet on images taken with the 0.6m Schmidt at Piszkesteto Station of Konkoly Observatory on 10 August by A Sodor. Observations (VEMag = visual equivalent magnitude) Date 10x10 mag Error VEmag Coma ' 31-Oct-15 18.17 0.08 17.7 0.2 22-Dec-15 17.61 0.14 16.3 0.2 25-Aug-22 16.45 0.01 15.8 0.8 06-Sep-22 16.12 0.03 15.7 0.6 21-Sep-22 15.38 0.03 15.2 0.8 30-Sep-22 15.0 0.9 20-Oct-22 16.77 0.04 16.3 0.6 17-Jan-23 19.6 0.4