C/2013 TW5 (Spacewatch)


Type: Periodic Perihelion date: 17 August 2014 Perihelion distance (q): 5.8 Aphelion distance (Q) : 887 Period (years): 9,431 Eccentricity (e): 0.99 Inclination (i): 31.4 JPL orbit diagram COBS lightcurve Tim Bressi discovered this object at the Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak with the 0.9m Spacewatch reflector on 3 October 2013. It was first reported as an unusual asteroid, which had a period of around 16 years with perihelion at 3.1 AU in September 2015. MPEC [2013-T92, 2013 October 12] reported the object to be a comet, following further observations by Spacewatch and Hidetaka Sato. Observations (VEMag = visual equivalent magnitude) Date 10x10 mag Error VEmag Coma ' 10-Feb-15 16.83 0.03 16.1 0.3 17-Feb-15 16.71 0.02 16.0 0.2 11-Mar-15 16.55 0.03 16.0 0.3 18-Mar-15 16.68 0.02 16.3 0.2 19-Apr-15 16.90 0.02 16.3 0.3 10-May-15 17.05 0.06 16.6 0.3