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Perilhelion = Date when closest to the sun
Epoch = Date of calculations
M = Mean Anomaly; the product of an orbiting body's mean motion and time
past perihelion passage
n = Mean motion in degrees per day
Peri = (P/Q) = angle in the body's orbit plane between the ascending node line
and perihelion measured in the direction of the body's orbit
a = semi-major axis of an orbit
ellipse = half the length of the major axis in AU
Node = (P/Q) = angle between the reference X-direction (typically the vernal
equinox) and the point at which the body passes up (north) through the
reference plane
e = eccentricity of the orbit ellipse; e = 0 is circular, e = 1 is parabolic
Incl = (P/Q) angle between the vectors normal to the body's orbit plane and
the specified reference plane. Typical reference planes are the ecliptic plane
and the equatorial plane
P = Period (years)
H = Absolute Magnitude; magnitude of an asteroid at zero phase angle and at
unit heliocentric and geocentric distances
G = magnitude slope parameter
q = Perihelion Distance; distance in AU between the orbiting body and the sun
at it's closest approach
Q = Aphelion Distance; distance in AU between the orbiting body and the sun
at it's greatest distance