4895 Embla
4895 Embla is a main-belt asteroid discovered by Jensen at Brorfelde in 1986.
A total of 591 data points were obtained over 13 nights from 2015 Nov 2 to Dec 11.
The average magnitude was 15.3 and average SNR was 217.
The lightcurve shows a period of 14.931 h ± 0.002 h and amplitude of 0.20 ± 0.01 mag,
suggesting that the asteroid rotated 62 times during the period of observation.
Pravec et al. (2015web), who observed in early 2015 Nov, reported a period of 14.90 h and
amplitude of 0.19 mag.
These findings were published in the Minor Planet Bulletin, Volume 44, Number 2, 2017
April - June.