33679 Condruses
33679 Condruses is a main-belt asteroid discovered by Debehogne at La Silla in 1984.
A total of 723 data points were obtained over 29 nights during the period 2015 Sep 12 –
Dec 12.
The best fit lightcurve shows a period of 86.206 h ± 0.004 h and amplitude of 1.20 ± 0.01
Pravec et al. (2015web) reported a period P > 32 h.Harris et. al (2014) suggest, due to the
large amplitude, that the lightcurve shape will be bimodal.
The period spectrum suggests that a period of 172.3 hours is also a possible fit, so the
second lightcurve is preferred, with a period of 172.3 h ± 0.1 h and amplitude of 1.11 ± 0.01
mag, suggesting that the asteroid rotated 12 times during the period of observation.
These findings were published in the Minor Planet Bulletin, Volume 44, Number 2, 2017
April - June.