Local group of galaxies

Designation Type 1 Type 2 Constellation Andromeda Galaxy (M31, NGC 224) Spiral SA(s)b Andromeda Triangulum Galaxy (M33, NGC 598) Spiral SA(s)cd Triangulum M32 (NGC 221) Elliptical E2 Andromeda Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte (WLM, DDO 221) Irregular Ir+ Cetus IC 10 Irregular KBm or Ir+ Cassiopeia Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, NGC 292) Irregular SB(s)m pec Tucana Canis Major Dwarf Irregular Irr Canis Major Pisces Dwarf (LGS3) Irregular Irr Pisces IC 1613 (UGC 668) Irregular IAB(s)m V Cetus Phoenix Dwarf Irregular Irr Phoenix Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) Irregular Irr/SB(s)m Dorado Leo A (Leo III) Irregular IBm V Leo Aquarius Dwarf (DDO 210) Irregular IB(s)m Aquarius M110 (NGC 205) Dwarf elliptical dE6p Andromeda NGC 147 (DDO 3) Dwarf elliptical dE5 pec Cassiopeia SagDIG (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy) Dwarf elliptical IB(s)m V Sagittarius NGC 6822 (Barnard's Galaxy) Dwarf elliptical IB(s)m IV-V Sagittarius Pegasus Dwarf (Pegasus Dwarf Irregular, DDO 216) Dwarf elliptical Irr Pegasus Boötes I Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Boötes Cetus Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d Sph/E4 Cetus Canes Venatici I Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Canes Venatici Canes Venatici II Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Canes Venatici KKs 3 Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Andromeda III Dwarf spheroidal d E2 Andromeda NGC 185 Dwarf spheroidal d E3 pec Cassiopeia Andromeda I Dwarf spheroidal d E3 pec Andromeda Sculptor Dwarf (E351-G30) Dwarf spheroidal d E3 Sculptor Andromeda V Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Andromeda Andromeda II Dwarf spheroidal d E0 Andromeda Fornax Dwarf (E356-G04) Dwarf spheroidal d Sph/E2 Fornax Carina Dwarf (E206-G220) Dwarf spheroidal d E3 Carina Leo I (DDO 74) Dwarf spheroidal d E3 Leo Sextans Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d E3 Sextans Leo II (Leo B) Dwarf spheroidal d E0 pec Leo Ursa Minor Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d E4 Ursa Minor Draco Dwarf (DDO 208) Dwarf spheroidal d E0 pec Draco SagDSG (Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy) Dwarf spheroidal d Sph/E7 Sagittarius Tucana Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d E5 Tucana Cassiopeia Dwarf (Andromeda VII) Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Cassiopeia Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Andromeda VI) Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Pegasus Ursa Major I Dwarf and Ursa Major II Dwarf Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Ursa Major Leo IV Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Leo Leo V Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Leo Leo T Dwarf spheroidal d Sph/Irr Leo Boötes II Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Boötes Boötes III Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Boötes Coma Berenices Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Coma Berenices Segue 2 Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Aries Hercules Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Hercules Pisces II Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Pisces Reticulum II Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Reticulum Eridanus II Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Eridanus Grus Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Grus Tucana II Dwarf spheroidal d Sph Tucana Perseus I Dwarf Galaxy (Andromeda XXXIII) Dwarf spheroidal d E Perseus